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Different countries want startups to relocate there and are offering incentives - would you take them?

Hey all,
I just published some research on what different countries are doing to entice entrepreneurs to relocate. Whether visas, grants, mentorship, coaching... there's a lot.
Question for the group: Would you consider relocating / moving your startup post-COVID?
Visas, Incentives, and More: Here’s What Countries are Doing to Attract Remote Companies
As lockdowns ease, more than a few entrepreneurs are thinking about what’s next for them and their businesses, especially if they’ve chosen to stay remote. As news hit about remote worker visas in Barbados, or as small towns and cities are more equipped than ever to lure weary big-city remote workers, you’ve got to ask… what about the founders?
Sure, remote founders can work from anywhere just like their teams. Where things get interesting, though, is that many countries are launching programs to lure entrepreneurs to relocate their businesses or start up a new company - and with them come access to public funds, free visas, and even a path to citizenship. As governments think about recovery from COVID and general growth for the future, a handful are getting serious about offering a lot of perks to entice entrepreneurs to relocate.
All programs have three key elements to them, though in differing quantities:
  1. Accelerated / extended resident visa permits.
  2. Access to the country’s startup support ecosystems.
  3. Funding / financial support.
So if you’ve ever thought about relocating, being an entrepreneur is one of the fastest tickets out. In this article, I’ve highlighted a mix of programs, but it’s not necessarily exhaustive. I tried to focus on the programs with unique elements or that are easy to apply for. While large funding requirements or other hurdles may not be a problem for many companies, my goal here was to highlight the programs that work for the majority of entrepreneurs, including small businesses and freelancers who recently went remote.

France: La French Tech

France has a long history of artisan entrepreneurship but less in the big tech or digital scene. However, the government is hoping to change that with its La French Tech visa programs.
There are three kinds of La French Tech visas:
The founder-focused program requires you to get accepted to one of France’s 30+ startup incubators and accelerators, so your ability to get in hinges on that acceptance.
France also has a unique program in the sense that it provides a 4 year visa automatically (most other programs only provide 1-2 year visas) and family members are automatically granted residency rights regardless of which visa you get. Finally, the program is diploma agnostic - it’s geared towards creative people and entrepreneurs, not necessarily only STEM grads like many other countries.
Internet connectivity is relatively high quality in cities, though it can be lacking in the countryside. If you’re relocating, check for good internet service first.
More info: https://lafrenchtech.com/en/how-france-helps-startups/french-tech-visa/

Startup Chile

Chile is hoping to attract entrepreneurs with cash, incentives, a visa, and the natural beauty of the country.
The Startup Chile program is actually an accelerator - billed as the “best accelerator in LatAm.” As part of the program, though, non-citizens are granted a one year visa to live in the country while building your company.
Highlights of the program are:
Chile is not known for blazing fast wifi, but if you’re in the accelerator and living within city boundaries, you should be alright.
More info: https://www.startupchile.org/

Startup Denmark

The kingdom of Denmark seriously wants entrepreneurs to relocate there. Named by the World Bank as the number one country in Europe for doing business, the country wants to further attract entrepreneurs.
The Startup Denmark program is geared to helping people realize the ease of doing business in Denmark, specifically:
Internet connectivity and penetration is very high in Denmark, so high-tech companies (or even just remote companies with a lot of zoom meetings) should be just fine.
More info: https://startupdenmark.info/

Enterprise Ireland

The only English-speaking country on the euro, Ireland is a prime place for doing business. Its geographic location makes it easily accessible to Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, and North America, and its low corporate tax rate has already attracted major players including Google and Starbucks.
Enterprise Ireland has also launched an entrepreneur visa, which is specifically for entrepreneurs who can:
Despite rigid sounding rules, the visa program is actually quite flexible. For instance, the fundraising requirements can be through almost any funding option, including using your own money and not taking any investment dollars. Further, the notion of being “controlled” from Ireland is more flexible than other countries that require a certain percentage of business to be done in the country for founders to be eligible for a visa.
More info: https://www.enterprise-ireland.com/en/Start-a-Business-in-Ireland/Startups-from-Outside-Ireland/

EntrePass Singapore

Singapore took the world markets by storm in the past few decades, going from a small island nation with no natural resources to a global hub of finance and casinos. Now, the country wants to be known as a hub for global entrepreneurship.
The EntrePass in Singapore grants founders a 2 year visa to live in Singapore while building a business. Like other programs (France, for example), businesses must be accepted into an accelerator in order for the founders to qualify for a visa. However, where Singapore adds a bit of strictness is two-fold:
  1. The business must be net-new or less than 6 months old at the time of application. This program is only for new businesses.
  2. Your business must be accepted into a government-backed accelerator or receive funding from a government-backed investor.
The Singaporean government is usually tolerant with expats, but the laws on the island can be incredibly strict. The program can be amazing for new entrepreneurs, though, especially given Singapore’s strategic location and relatively low taxes.
More info: https://www.startupdecisions.com.sg/singapore/relocation/entrepass/

Italia Startup Visa

Known for fine leathers, fashion, and amazing food, Italy is now hoping to become known as a centre of innovation.
The country offers two kinds of visas for non-EU entrepreneurs:
The Visa is made for entrepreneurs who aren’t currently in Italy but want to relocate there to start / scale their business. The Hub option is for people already in Italy who want to stay and launch a business (I think Italy caught onto the fact that people sitting in gorgeous villages sipping a coffee might just want to stick around).
Visa programs came about through Italy’s “Decree 179/2012,” which is the country’s program to explicitly attract what they deem ‘innovative startups’ to the country. In general, innovative startups by Italy’s definition are technology companies that either invest more than 15% of their revenues to R&D, employ PhD-level researchers full-time, or own patents for inventions or ‘original software.’
The visa lasts for 1 year, but is renewable for another 2 years. While business taxes in Italy can be fairly high, the relatively low cost of living can balance those costs out.
More info: http://italiastartupvisa.mise.gov.it/

SMART Visa Thailand

Thailand is one of the only programs to highlight that spouses and children are automatically granted residency (along with France) - and that your spouse will have a work visa included in their residency permit as well.
The country’s SMART visa program has four tiers:
S visas are explicitly for entrepreneurs and startup founders, and have three options: a 2-year, a 1-year, and a 6-month visa. The 2-year program is for designated high-tech startups, the 1-year for incubator and accelerator-backed startups of all varieties, and the 6-month visa is intended for sales and promotion in Thai markets as opposed to setting up shop in Thailand.
More info: https://smart-visa.boi.go.th/smart/pages/smart_s.html

Startup Visa Lithuania

A Baltic country bordering Poland and Latvia by land and Denmark and Sweden by sea, Lithuania has some of the fastest internet on the planet and gorgeous medieval towns and sea views.
The visa program is part of Startup Lithuania, a government-backed organization geared towards helping Lithuania succeed in global markets.
Recognizing that many people have probably heard the name “Lithuania” but don’t know much about it, the Startup Visa program focuses heavily on soft landings with guides on how to relocate, connections to other relocated workers and entrepreneurs, and links into the country’s extensive support programs for businesses.
More info: https://startupvisalithuania.com/about-us/

Startup Estonia

The original “digital society,” Estonia is regularly in the news for how connected their society is. The internet is fast, citizenship is digital, and the country even launched a remote worker visa to entice more people to relocate.
On the entrepreneur side of things, Startup Estonia launched a Startup Visa to encourage entrepreneurs to relocate to Estonia. The program is very explicitly focused on technology-based companies with global market potential, but Estonia has the minimum required capital of all programs in Europe (you only have to prove you have around $2,000 USD for a one-year visa).
Entrepreneurs can apply for a 3-month visa to test the waters and get set up, or a 12-month visa to make the move and begin the process of permanent residency.
Like its cousin Lithuania, Estonia has beautiful scenery, sea views, and a high quality of life.
More info: https://startupestonia.ee/visa

Entrepreneur residence permits (Sweden)

Sweden is known in the business world for producing the likes of IKEA, but it’s also a welcoming country for entrepreneurs with companies of all sizes.
While Sweden doesn’t have a flashy website or dedicated startup-lingo page, the Nordic country has a Self-Employment Residency visa, which provides up to 2 years stay - with a path to permanent residency - for self-employed individuals.
The capital requirements are fairly low - you have to prove you have around $25,000 USD to support yourself while on visa - and you can apply from anywhere in the world. The primary potential downside for remote entrepreneurs is that this visa requires you to produce and/or sell the majority of your business’ goods and services in Sweden, which could be a challenge for a distributed workforce.
More info: https://www.migrationsverket.se/English/Private-individuals/Working-in-Sweden/Self-employment.html

Not sure about relocating quite yet?

One of the wins of remote work is that you can physically do your job from anywhere. So if you’ve been dreaming of relocating but not sure about taking the actual plunge, plan an extended working holiday.
Depending on where you’re from, most countries will allow you to stay at least a few weeks (and upwards of 90 days in some cases) with no visa or simply on a tourist visa.
If you’re planning this kind of “working holiday,” here are some places to consider visiting (that have great, accessible wifi) for when the world opens back up:
Smaller cities, towns, and villages:
submitted by PristineTangerine to startups [link] [comments]

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.

In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • - Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • - Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • - Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.
Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).
As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.

Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.
A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.
Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.

In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”
On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”

It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)

Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.
We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.

In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):

This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
“Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)

Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same.
To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TLDR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".

“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occured warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked with Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to loreofleague [link] [comments]

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic in lore: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.

In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.
Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).

As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.

Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.
A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.
Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.

In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”
On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”

It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)

Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.
We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.

In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):

This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
“Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)

Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same. To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TLDR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".

“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occurred warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked with Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.

TL;DR Magic in Runeterra: How it exists and is used.
To preface, this post is meant to elucidate some of the properties of magic in lore: how it exists and functions in the world of Runeterra. For the purposes of this post, I will not go into much depth regarding the complex magics, and will instead primarily refer to the main 3 “streams”. Points will be backed up using reliable sources, Scathlocke being the Head of all things Narrative and Worldbuilding-wise in Lore. That being said, until Riot releases information on Universe or Nexus, (while unlikely) things are liable to change regarding information provided by Rioters in twitter and boards replies, thus should be taken with a grain of salt.


The Origins of Magic:

As Runeterra, an amalgamation of the Spiritual and Material/Physical realms, was created by an unknown race of Celestials using the World Runes, all magic can be said to have roots in the Celestial Realm. While that might make it seem superior, being the originator, think of it more like it fostered the growth of the realms to becoming their own distinct units.
In the League of Legends Universe (main), magic exists in three distinct forms: Celestial, Spiritual and Elemental. From there, you have multiple blends and combinations.
N.B. The energy produced by those of the Void is NOT magic.


Fundamentally, each main stream encompasses specific concepts, one is not inherently better than the other and, to varying extents, each is able to mimic some of the effects of the other:

  • Celestial Magic deals with creation and pure ideals, thus can also include maintenance, change and destruction.
  • Spirit Magic deals with mental and emotional concepts, life as well as reality and the perception of it.
  • Elemental Magic deals with the manipulation of the physical world and the physical laws and rules of reality (Physics).

Magic exists ambiently; flowing as metaphysical rivers and streams throughout the world similar in concept to ley lines. Areas where magic is high in concentration will commonly produce the most number of natural born mages, to the point where it is less likely for one to not possess the ability to use/do magic. The reverse is true for those born in an area where ambient magic is low in concentration. This is evidenced with Ionia and Ixtal, being fonts of Elemental and Spiritual magic respectively, whereas a region like Demacia; surrounded and founded upon magic nullifying petricite, very few mages are produced.

Each stream of magic flows from an origin source: Celestial magic flows from the Celestial Realm as well as the World Runes, Spiritual Magic originates from the Spiritual Realm, and Elemental Magic from the Physical realm, all suffusing into the material plane.

Regions where the barriers between realms are weakest and the magic flows strongest are known as “fonts” of magic. Ionia is an example of this in regards to spirit magic. To varying extents, use of each main branch can mirror the other and produce similar effects, even if not strictly the same source/magic type (e.g. all can produce fire).
As said before, Ionia is a font of spirit magic. The barriers between the mortal and spirit realm are less distinct, thereby allowing the two to interact in strange, exotic manners. As a result, spirit magic suffuses and saturates the lands of Ionia. However, raw concentrated spirit magic has chaotic, unpredictable effects upon reality, making the environment a dangerous place. As such, humans erected Quinlons in Ionia to restrict and filter the flow of magic from the fonts. Quinlons being man-made magical filters that limit the amount of magic flowing from the spirit realm into Ionia... they also filter out the more chaotic/negative energy, concentrating it into a liquid-like substance (IchoTears). When tattooed upon the skin or consumed, this concentrated negative magic enables the use and manipulation of shadow magic (used to great effect by Zed and his Order). Currently, the agreement between humans and Vastaya has been shattered: The Quinlons are restricting too much magic, and Zed’s Order actively alters some to fuel their shadow magic. The vastaya, requiring magic to live similarly to how we need air to live, are understandably not too ecstatic.
Theoretically, Targon would serve as a font of Celestial magic seeing as the barriers between the mortal and Celestial Realm are thinnest near the peak, thereby allowing the easiest interaction and allowing the magic to suffuse onto the physical plane.

A region serving as a font of magic doesn't necessarily mean only that type of magic is present. It just acts as a source.
One doesn't have to be on a ley line/stream to do magic... the effects and efficiency just increase with proximity, similar to a wifi/cell signal. As they encompass the entirety of Runeterra, you are almost always guaranteed to have some signal (barring specific scenarios/anomalies.)


How Magic is Used:

Anyone and everyone can learn to harness magic, however, not everyone is born with the talent. These lucky individuals are known as mages.
From what we’ve seen, mages don't quite generate magic per se, they access what is naturally present, interacting with the ambient magic in the environment rather than directly producing it. More akin to vessels than generators, their strength and aptitude likely depends on how much they can store, channel, shape and emit (as well as restore) at any given time. But, as said by Ryze in “From the Ashes” magic likes to be used, not stored… similar to the air we hold in our lungs… a quite apt comparison that will be explained further below in theory crafting. This is the trend for most mortals.

Those born of magic, those with magic WITHIN them, as part of them, often referred to as "magical" beings, are far more attuned to the magic out there in the world, able to interact and shape magic in ways most can’t even begin to fathom due to their intrinsic link. An example being the Vastaya, who are more innately connected to magic, requiring it to live (like how we need to breathe oxygen to survive). Their use of magic still follows the same principle of not being innately generated, yet their connection allows them to perceive and interact with the worlds in exotic ways. The Vastayashai’rei, the ancient ancestors of our modern Vastaya further demonstrate this: Originally mortals, they learnt how to be completely 1:1 between the material and spirit realms, taking in the spirit realm and becoming deathless, manipulating the magics of each realm… effectively becoming “super mages”.

The Axiomata is a system solely related to Elemental Magic and its manipulations to varying effects. It serves as a formulaic/diagrammatic system of understanding and manipulating elemental magic inspired by the flow of the natural “currents” of magic but itself isn't one of the flows, merely one understanding. It's a system of teaching and learning elemental magic, akin to studying strict formulas (or Axioms) based on rules. The benefit to it is that anyone can learn it, Ryze's critique of it would be that it limits and restricts magic's potential.
In The Axiomata (Short Story), a ley line was "tapped" and “swum” through, enabling Aliay to interact with the world in a broader, more encompassing fashion thereby allowing him to see and experience the outside world and glimpse ongoing events outside of Ixtal.

In terms of those who seem to directly challenge the established "magic isn't produced innately" principle, in a sense, they don't. Looking at the Aspects (the hosts more so than the actual Celestial Aspects) and the Ascended, they are directly (and indirectly for the Ascended) rigged to the Aspects, thereby serving as conduits and as such, are able to channel their power. Using Leona’s color story, "The Light Bringer" as an example:
“Leona let the fire into her blood, feeling the ancient creature merge its essence with hers more completely, becoming one with her senses and gifting her with perceptions not of this world.”
“She reached deep inside herself, drawing on the awesome power from beyond the mountain. The sun emerged from behind its highest peaks as Leona thrust her hand to the light.”

On the other hand, we have Syndra who seemingly produces magic. To an extent this is true, what she presumably does still falls in line with the fundamental concept of mages. While not officially shown on the League Universe, if we go by the original version of "The Dreaming Pool", "The Dreaming Cave" (which was edited for clarity and to cut down on length) Instead of being relegated to only using the ambient natural magics of the physical world, Syndra is able to rip magic directly from the Spiritual Realm.
“Syndra conjured another dark sphere—all of her bitterness, resentment and anger made manifest. Torn from the spirit realm across the threshold into reality, it hovered above her hand, slowly spinning.”
It's something that is unique to her and can be quite dangerous to the natural lands (as we know that pure, concentrated spirit magic flowing can have adverse, chaotic effects.)
Her magic leaches the lands of the natural, ambient magic, thereby causing something akin to "magical fallout" and irradiating the environment. This implies her magic is flooding and washing out the natural magics of the land… replacing it with hers: Raw, concentrated Spirit magic.

We know, from the information about Quinlons, that spirit magic in high concentrations is dangerous and adversely affects the physical realm, particularly when negative. Something further suggested in Syndra’s Biography:
”Such negativity had a strange, unpredictable effect on reality, and Syndra had grown far beyond his ability as a mentor.”
And further falls in line with information given to us about Fae’lor in “The Dreaming Pool” and Sisterhood of War Part 1: Old Wounds regarding the quality of the lands of the island before and after Syndra’s first and second rampages.
The fact that Syndra's mood state mirrors the effect of the Quinlons further substantiates this.


In regards to the specifics of how mages utilize magic (theory work that falls in line with everything we know):

This is a graph detailing the process of breathing, specifically as it relates to the volume of air present in the lungs at any given time. Tidal Volume is the range of normal, unconscious breathing: The volume inhaled and exhaled normally.
As shown in the graph, after breathing out at Tidal Volume (the decline at that level), there's still more air present in your lungs due to them not having fully deflated. Thus, even after breathing out at normal levels)more air may be expelled: Expiratory Reserve Volume.
The reverse is true for the process of inhalation: Inhalation at Tidal Volume, then continuing to inhale to reach the Inspiratory Reserve Volume.
(Deep breath in-> inspiratory reserve volume, deep breath out-> Expiratory reserve volume)... Inhaling and exhaling a lot more air than you will in normal breathing... with the normal breathing level being tidal volume.
Big breaths In and Out usually require conscious intent, whereas the Tidal Volume is usually unconsciously regulated. After reaching the Expiratory Reserve Volume, more air still remains in the lungs, known as the Residual Volume. This is almost never accessed and exhaled, requires rigorous intent, and is dangerous to attempt. The total span of these is the Total Lung Capacity.

Now, to apply this concept to mages:
Most mages seemingly don’t consciously draw upon magic, rather they passively draw in and absorb magic, similar to the tidal volume of breathing. Following this logic, there would remain a base level of magic that "exists" within the mage... This doesn’t mean it is innately produced, it is just a sink that's partially filled. (For comparison, relate it to the Expiratory Reserve Volume.)
As such, most mages will only know about emitting magic... not absorbing it, because most of the time, they're just consciously pushing out and manipulating magic, instead of consciously drawing it in.
More adept mages know how to consciously draw in more magic than they'd normally have access to, and know how to regulate the intake, use and emission: Ryze in From the Ashes is an example of this, displayed when trying to teach Kegan:
“You do not create the air you breathe,” the sorcerer said. “You draw it inside you, letting it sustain you. You use it as your body requires, and then release it as you exhale. It is never yours. You are just a vessel for it. You breathe in, you breathe out. You are a channel through which air flows.”
Kegan made to release his breath, though his master shook his head.
“No. Not yet. Feel the air in your lungs, Kegan. Feel it pushing at the cage of your body. Feel it straining to escape.”
"Therein lies the problem,” his master observed, reading his posture. “I told you the air was not yours, yet you are thrilled with yourself for how long you kept it inside you. It is the same with magic. You want it, believing it can be owned. You cling to it, forgetting that you are merely a channel through which it passes. You choke it in your heart, and in your hands. And so the magic is strangled in your grip, because you see it as something to bind to your will. It is not, and never will be. It is like air. You must draw in what exists around you, use it for a moment, then let it free.”

Lissandra, in Legend of the Frozen Watchers, is another example:
“Summoning every last iota of the ancient magic around her, including that of her allies, she sacrificed everything to seal the rift-between-realms with True Ice, entombing the Watchers within it.”

When you try to take a deep breath in, the air eventually starts fighting to get out... the balloon is strained; you can't retain that level and, inevitably, the air escapes. Similarly to Ryze's explanation of why Kegan was failing at storing the magic.

From this, I posit what happens with mages around petricite is similar to what happens when you enter a vacuum: Those unaware and not consciously regulating the level of air will have their breath stolen. However, if you are aware, and know about the base concepts of consciously breathing, you will be able to store your air for a period of time before it gets taken. And with training, the level you are able to store, and the duration of which the breath may be held, increases. (You can relate this to holding your breath underwater, you know not to exhale... and if prepared, you know to inhale more than normal and hold your breath.)
Petricite nullifies magic by absorbing it, effectively sapping and stealing the mage’s reserves. For those aware of its properties, and adept at manipulating magic, they would be able to “hold their breath” i.e. hold their magic tightly for a short while, enabling them to continue controlled usage of it. An example of this is seen in the Ryze Cinematic, "Call of Power", when Ryze performs magic in the Petricite Forest.

It should be noted this isn't a literal 1:1 transition of concepts, it’d likely be much harder to recognize and consciously regulate the levels of magic (as displayed by Kegan), but the fundamental concept would remain the same. To be clear though, this does not speak to the shaping of magic and how it manifests for each mage. How each mage manifests the phenomenon is tied to their ideals and the cultural influences shaping it and to an extent, is ultimately personal: e.g. Lux being tied to "light", and those in The Freljord being more inclined to ice and shamanistic magics etc.
As said before, each person's approach to magic is pretty unique... Even within the Yun Tal, there are proficiencies and unique understandings/perspectives of shaping magic, this is what enables them to keep making new axioms and experiment further).
To use an example that ties back to the theory proposed, Sylas' innate approach is to be able to see/sense it and copy/take that "template"... Akin to a copiecheater in class who takes someone's homework. If he learned, he likely would have the capacity to do his own crafting of spells/magic.
You can consider it the reverse of Lissandra/Ryze... in a sense (theory-wise), he's currently only able to inhale consciously and exhale passively (tidal volume-> Inspiratory Reserve Volume) but not quite able to do it passively. His "tidal volume" is negligible, but his "lungs" are very elastic so can inhale a lot, however, similarly to an untied balloon, would be forced to expel most of the magic once it's not being consciously drawn in. Added to this, there is likely a limit to how much he can take in at any given time, less he risks being overloaded.
The Petricite would therefore act as the containeoxygen tank for the magic absorbed... allowing him to access it whenever needed.. whereas without it, he's constantly been shown to immediately use the magic upon absorbing (can't hold it for long...if at all).
In regards to why he can't consciously absorb ambient magic, it's likely too diffuse and "unconcentrated"/""unstable", whereas the magic stored in petricite and other mages etc already has a stable template... concentrated in once place, thereby enabling to have a firmer "grasp". Sorta like how u can pick up a block of ice, but doing the same with water or vapor is much harder.... it "slips" out. Relating back to if his base volume is low, but the "elastic potential" of his "vessel" is high, the diffuse magic absorbed wouldn't be much in the first place, plus he hasn't innately adapted an application to shaping the magic himself, so he naturally does what he's best suited to: Inflating his proverbial balloon by filling with the concentrated, stabilized templates of others and emitting it (or storing in the petricite).
TL;DR on mages, and Scath’s thoughts on the theory:

Relevant Reads on Universe:


Flavor of life information regarding entities seemingly comprised of magic: Spirits and Celestials.

Spirits are the natural denizens of the Spirit Realm, everything that exists upon the physical realm is said to have a spiritual reflection, as learned in Riven's color story, "Seams and Scars".
“I’m a mender,” she said as she held the pottery out to a wide-eyed Riven. “No need to replace anything.”
Riven took the plate and examined it. “How does it work?” she asked, running a finger down a thick black seam.
"Everything has a spirit, and every spirit wants to be whole. I ask them what they need to mend, and give it to them.”
The concept of “time” exists differently from how it does in the physical realm… if it exists at all (Evidenced by Bandle City, as well as the Vastaya Forests). Many spirits seemingly start as something primordial, shapeless, and barely sentient before being tied to varying concepts, fundamentally shaping their interaction with the world, as somewhat evidenced by Evelynn and the nature of the Spirit Gods (Spirit gods, if completely forgotten, revert to the state described). It is not known if this is true for all residents of the spirit realm. Yordles are fundamentally different from other spirits encountered. I.e. they are much more physical and “substantial”.
The Spirit Realm itself is also comprised of “pocket dimensions” that do not have a physical realm correlation. The Glade is an example of this, the dimension of the Fae (of which Lulu’s companion, Pix, is a part of). It is theorized that Bandle City may be an offshoot of The Glade.
When mortals die, their souls are transported to the Spirit Realm, upon whence they’ll be placed in the Afterlife/world. Many "afterlife/afterworld" pocket dimensions exist, Mitna Rachnum (Mordekaiser's death realm) is one of them. Rarely (relatively speaking) do souls make their way into Mordekaiser's realm however. The Shadow Isles deserves mention as the catastrophe that occurred warped the rules of the natural worlds, as well as life and death. The raw necromantic (spiritual) magic that suffuses the lands has warped reality and stilled the passage of time. It has become a region of undeath as a result of the trapped souls being unable to truly pass on.

Aside from Yordles, the Fae and souls, other spirits exist, those standing out being Demons and Spirit Gods:

All demons are spirits, not all spirits are demons. I.e. Demons are a specific type of spirit. (This is for actual demons, not entities that have been labelled demonic despite being of human/physical or even celestial origin.) They subsist and feed on emotions, specifically those that are negative or overabundant to the point of negativity/overindulgence. They also perpetuate these feelings either directly, or indirectly in mortals. E.g. Evelynn feeds on agony and pain, and will seduce then torture people, feeding off of their pain. Tahm Kench on the other hand, subsists on misery resulting from greed, gluttony and addiction. He will tempt the person, and when they fall prey to that, will feed off of them. Demons can feed incrementally or devour the person wholly... sometimes literally, sometimes metaphorically. Generally it ultimately results in the person's death.

Spirit Gods are best described as “spiritual embodiments of concepts and cultural ideals”. They are ancient beings granted relevance aeons prior to common mortal existence. They hearken back to when the barriers between realms were ephemeral, thus could gain footholds in the physical plane and mortal cultures. It is theorized that they were originally spirits of certain concepts that managed to link themselves to the culture of mortals, gaining power, form and true sapience due to the increasing worship and cultural attention. Others hypothesize that they themselves were completely “born” of the combined perceptions of a staunch faith. Whatever they may be, it has been noted to be incredibly unlikely for a new Spirit God to form as the conditions of the current worlds do not favor it. Instead it’ll be more likely for an already established entity to fill that attention.
Points to note regarding Spirits:
  • To an extent, every spirit so far has a basis on perception... Not everything is literally "I need you to believe in me for me to live." For demons, their source of "attention" or gaining sustenance is based on the emotion/mental energy that they are draining and perpetuating. Not necessarily a need for belief. Though many do have their own cults of worship, so it's likely that some of that energy can be fed upon too... but ultimately, it's the energy of the emotion/feeling/concept that needs to be there, not a belief.
  • A demon will take shape based on the desired appeal of the person perceiving them. To a lusty, heterosexual man, Eve will appear as an incredibly sexy, sultry lady, thereby tempting him to pursue her. Tahm Kench will appear as a seller or peddler of goods and fortunes, an auctioneer… perhaps even a Casino roulette. Whatever will appeal to and best exploit that person's inner weakness and temptations.
  • Spirits can physically take form by animating and using physical materials nearby, scrapping them together to achieve the desired form (As we see with Fiddlesticks and Volibear)... they can also materialize as condensed raw magic given form. There are rules and limitations guiding how they manifest of which we haven't been privy to. However, we can assume it's based on their current strength, abundance of magic around and the context of the situation. They can choose a form, but often will appear based on the perceptions and inherent beliefs and moods of the surrounding mortals. But yes, they can shapeshift and are the reason why the Vastayashai'rei and their descendants, the Vastaya, have such fluid form.

*Nagakabouros has been confirmed to be a Spirit God, born of the Spirit Realm. The true scope of her being is not known beyond being linked to the concepts of Life, Chaos and Motion. Other examples of Spirit Gods include Kindred, the Freljordian Demigods and Janna. Demons include Fiddlesticks, Raum, Nocturne, Tahm Kench and Evelynn.

Those of the Celestial Realm are known as Celestials. The antithesis of the Void and its denizens, The Watchers. The Celestial Realm and its inhabitants are heavily centered around creation and maintenance. Not much is known about these timeless entities however they played a key role in the creation of the cosmos as well as Runeterra and its development as a whole. Fate and the celestial machinations guiding mortal existence can be interpreted by looking to the heavens however, to the ire of some, Mortals are not beholden to these preset destinies, and instead often create their own.
The Celestials that we know of are Aurelion Sol, his kin, The Aspects, Bard, and Soraka.
Aspects are the pure ideals/celestial concepts made “personified”, and will occasionally bind with a mortal host and traverse Runeterra to do whatever work is needed.
*(Edited in for clarity:) The Ascended are indirectly rigged to Aspects (celestial concepts). Ascension doesn't necessarily grant them celestial magic, it dramatically magnifies all of their previous traits.
I see you’ve reached the end, my weary traveler. Feast on some cookies and recoup. In regards to any questions and theories, happy to discuss in the comments. If in relation to the various creatures and their more specific interactions with Magic, The Great Chronicler, Sharjo, is doing a TL;DR on the Races of Runeterra which will likely touch on many of those aspects. So I'll leave that to him. For awesome, quick questions or more in depth conversations with fans of the Lore of League, join the discord server :D
Thanks for bearing with me! Hope this explained things in a clear manner.
submitted by Psyr1x to loreofruneterra [link] [comments]

Why are so many mafia movies so long?

After a discussion with a friend about the (what they viewed as excessive) runtime of the Irishman, I realized I hadn't questioned the length per se, accepting that into a tradition of long movies that are somewhat unique to films about organized crime specifically, a lineage I'll refer to as "Mafia Films with Long Runtimes", or MFLRs. I looked deeper, and found that from a list on Timeout of 50 gangster movies (many of which I may not exactly consider mafia films), nearly a fifth of the titles pass 2 and a half hours (150 minutes) in length. Starting with that list, and adding a few more, I found a dozen well-known MFLRs:
In trying to draw comparisons with these films, I think something that unites most of them is scope. Most of the above films tell stories that cover long periods of time, with many important characters that flow into and out of the story throughout that timespan. Often this happens because their focus is the main character's "rise through the ranks" of a crime syndicate.
However, beyond the simple logistics of needing plenty of screentime to weave an intricate story, I also think these films all owe some direct connection to the oldest film on the list. The Godfather can be viewed almost as an ur-MFLR, thanks to both it's age and wild popularity at the time of its release. While it isn't the longest film in the list, when viewed as a trilogy, the Godfather trilogy achieves epic on a scale none of the other films achieve, spanning three nearly-three-hour films.
While not directly acknowledged by all the filmmakers on this list, I would wager that the release and response to The Godfather sparked the birth of a mini-genre: one which the length and scale are integral to the story being told, and one which the Irishman is just the most recent member of.
submitted by herky140 to TrueFilm [link] [comments]

Episode I: Kindling

In the early days of the year 420 ABY, the galaxy was in a state of relative peace - at least when compared to the four tumultuous centuries prior, which had culminated with the ending of the Outer Rim War two decades earlier. While the aftershocks of that war could still be felt by most of the galaxy’s beings, our tale begins on a world that had been nearly untouched by the larger conflicts of the galaxy. A lone starship would land on the planet of Dathomir and an unlikely meeting would commence between three very different individuals. Borcha of Clan Ferel, a maverick Mandalorian mercenary; Owyn 'Sibo' Sivokino, an Agent of the Principate Security with a skill for vibroblades overshadowed only by his inflated ego; and Ciaran, the mysterious, blind Shaman and de facto leader of a rogue group of Nightsisters. While the three of them kept their true motives hidden from one another, destiny ironically unified them in their shared suspicion of each other. Words were given and promises of assistance were made between Borcha, Sibo, and Ciaran, each of whom was just as likely to try to kill the other two as they were to cooperate. The first seeks an ancient and venerated treasure, the second seeks power through self-perceived subterfuge, and the third claims only to seek peace and unity among her people…
Far from the dark and swampy world of Dathomir, a restless, well-off entrepreneur and former Captain of the New Galactic Republic Marine Corps by the name of Hellexix Ordo leaves behind the picturesque beaches of Spira, beckoned unexpectedly from his vacation by a lead for a multimillion-credit catering contract with the upper-echelons of the Principate government - an opportunity too good to pass up for the up-and-coming restaurant owner. No time was wasted, and within a matter of days, the high-end restaurant owner found himself on Taris standing face to face with none other than the First Citizen of the Severan Principate, Murith Severan himself.
The leader of the boldly Imperial-styled nation had met with many potential businessmen and entrepreneurs from throughout the galaxy that vied for the chance to extend their business dealings into the borders of the Severan Principate, but for what he had planned, Murith would accept only the finest that the galaxy had to offer - including what would be on the menu. Perhaps it was the low-level celebrity status and potential political access that Hellexix Ordo had garnered on Coruscant thanks to his restaurant being in close proximity of the NGR Senate Rotunda, or maybe it was that Murith could sense something different about the recently-retired NGR Marine, but at the end of their brief meeting, a deal was struck, granting Hellexix and his restaurant the exclusive rights to cater the Principate's upcoming diplomatic event, upon which Murith promised the fate of the galaxy would turn...
Elsewhere in the Outer Rim, the planet of Ubrikkia - once the center of a thriving trade empire before the fall of the Hutts during the Outer Rim War - received a seemingly unimportant and unremarkable visitor. Touching down on the planet on a hot, dry day, a seasoned Twi’lek merchant (and extremely well-connected criminal lord) by the name of Bril Rha sets up a small shop near one of the more well-off markets in the city surrounding Takwin Keep. Possessing an unassuming quality, Bril Rha goes unrecognized by all those that come to visit his shop, where he offers various goods from off-world, including fine clothes, exotic foods, and several models of droids and hardware. It was on this day that among the petty lords of Ubrikkia walked a man who, unbeknownst to either himself or Bril, was of particular interest to the galaxy. Formerly a member of the Jedi Order, Maskar Kython had returned to his homeworld of Ubrikkia some months prior, seeking to reclaim his rightful place and title as Prince of the once-great Trade Empire - and, perhaps one day, to revive its fallen throne. Bril Rha was offered to sell several high-end, modified KX-series droids to the Ubikkian noble for a significant sum of Credits. Both individuals walked away from the exchange oblivious to the other’s place in the galaxy, with Maskar unaware that he had just purchased droids from an ex-member of the notorious Black Lylek Cartel, and Bril ignorant to the fact he was assisting the Prince Maskar Kython himself in his machinations...
On the planet Ord Trasi, Jedi Knight Xijun Zhen found herself chasing the Force, being led to different perceived disturbances; a dead forest on a distant planet, a continental drought on another. The Force was leading the Jedi on a path, but the destination was unclear. Xijun was granted a vision of all of the steps in her path thus far, and one more that she had not yet taken. The vision shown to her by the Force pointed to Dantooine, though she wasn't sure why.
On a distant planet in the fringes of the Outer Rim, a young smuggler by the name of Sairah O’Rinn met with her Uncle and mentor Toni in a seedy tavern. Toni, a long-time friend of the notorious crime lord Haldar Varss, had managed to set up a meeting between the pirate and his niece, hoping to kick start Sairah into a successful smuggling career with good contacts and steady work with the Tarran Consortium. Haldar agreed to give Sairah a chance and offered her a job as a way to test her ability. The Consortium had long endured trouble smuggling cargo onto the planet of Dantooine due to the growing Reformation militia on the planet, let alone the presence of a small NGR Naval force. Sairah was to smuggle a new shipment past any NGR blockades or Reformation forces on the planet and deliver the shipment to Haldar’s pirate allies planetside. Tagging along to oversee her first major job, Toni joined Sairah, helping her load Haldar’s cargo aboard the Raven’s Nest before they set off for Dantooine.
The Raven’s Nest would exit hyperspace above Dantooine only to find itself in the middle of a pitched battle between Reformation corvettes and a Republic Star Destroyer. Sairah deftly maneuvered the Raven between the battling ships, shaking off a squadron of Republic fighters as her Uncle Toni manned a turret aboard the smuggling craft. The pair managed to escape with their lives as, behind them, the NGR Star Destroyer beat an unexpected and hasty retreat from the star system. Once planetside, Sairah brought the Raven’s Nest down in a clearing before setting off to meet their contacts. After a couple of days of hard riding and dodging Reformation camps and patrols, the smugglers arrived at their rendezvous point only to find the pirates they were supposed to meet under siege from Reformation militiamen. Dantooine, it seemed, had become one of the Reformation’s major bases of operations - though the NGR Navy would surely return once word reached the Core worlds.
With a job well done, Toni and Sairah head back home to Rishi. After flying the Raven’s Nest for one last time, Toni set it down on a landing pad in the planet’s preeminent spaceport. With a tear in his eyes and filled with pride, Toni turned the ship over to his niece. Sairah, the new captain of the Raven’s Nest, now looked to the distant stars, awaiting the next adventure.
On the planet of Umbara, Lesh Deechi - a well-known native of the planet and lifelong political and military leader - considers his position in the cell-based nature of the Reformation. Having spent many years in the Umbaran militia, Lesh sees the current leaders of the Reformation movement as ineffectual, from his perspective. Holding a seat on the Reformation Action Council (the Reformation’s temporary equivalent to a ‘Senate’ for those worlds that supported the Reformation), Lesh was afforded a look into the inner workings of the movement's hierarchy and military leadership. Barring the recent actions taken on Dantooine, Lesh concludes to himself that his superiors are ineffectual military leaders, himself a proponent of much more decisive and assertive action - again, barring the Dantooine situation. As such, the Umbaran begins laying out an elaborate and sinister plan to assassinate his direct superior, none other than the legendary Outer Rim War hero and NGR defector and Grand Marshall of the Reformation military conglomerate, Jason Haig.
On the planet Deneba, Jedi Master Frifth Nilim - while waiting to select a new Padawan - was having a holocall with his former Padawan, now a Jedi Knight, Ravee Chasel, about recent discoveries she’d made. While researching alternative Force traditions, Ravee discovered that many years back, a Jedi Master named Mimuahr Niadh had gone mysteriously missing while researching the Dathomirian Nightsisters. She decided to use the opportunity of joining the Jedi Ambassadors that would go to the Princep’s ball as a chance to go to Dathomir. Also inspired by Frifth’s search for a new Padawan, Ravee hoped to find a potential prospect to train for herself, and teach them the ways of the Jedi. Later Frifth met up with Mirialan Jedi Master Lail Staark. The two observed the Jedi initiate exercises. To get a better idea of each initiate’s skill, Frifth decided to personally spar with each initiate. By the end, he selected the energetic Jackson Melafinious and the reverent Se'Soom Ra'Bhamus.
The following day, Jedi Master Frifth sent his two new Padawans down to the crystal caves beneath the Deneba Temple, where the two were faced with visions from the Force. After experiencing a harrowing vision, Se’Soom awoke with two Kyber crystals in his hand. Returning to the surface, Se’Soom was greeted by Master Frifth, who informed him that he had been down in the caves for a day and a half. After constructing his lightsaber, the two would leave Deneba for Ossus as Master and Padawan. While Se’Soom had passed his trial, Jackson, unfortunately, did not. Unable to overcome his own visions and stuck in a comatose state, Jackson never left the caves. Several weeks later, his body was located and the young Padawan was pronounced dead, his body cremated by the Deneba Temple Guard.
Several days after their initial meeting, Bril returned to Ubrikkia with the KX-series droids after he performed a series of complicated, but minute modifications that Maskar Kython had specified. Maskar would end up sending the droids to the Randon Security Force; perfect for covert operations on the important financial world, which Maskar hoped to bring under Ubrikkian influence through clandestine means. After their trade-off was made, Bril earned even more credits from Maskar by selling him information about a rumored holocron, said to exist somewhere on the planet Lamaredd, a rumor that intrigued the Ubrikkian ex-Jedi greatly...
With the nefarious preparations set, Lesh Deechi invited his rival Grand Marshal Jason Haig to Umbara to give the former NGR Marine a tour of the Umbaran weapons development facilities and showcase a prototype armored attack walker. During a demonstration of the new walker unit, Lesh’s plan was enacted, resulting in the sudden and “tragic” death of Jason Haig at the hands of an unseen sniper. Lesh’s plan proved successful in that there was no suspicion thrown on him by the Reformation Action Council. Additionally, Haig’s passing would go on to result in Lesh’s seemingly reluctant acceptance of the role that had been left unfilled in Haig’s sudden absence. The victory would likely prove to be double-edged, however, as while Haig’s death would allow Lesh to seize more direct control over the Reformation’s military agenda, the people of the New Galactic Republic would no doubt be only further turned away by the increasingly radical actions of the Reformation movement once word of the war hero’s death began to spread through NGR space.
At last, the day had come. After generating significant buzz within certain social circles of the galactic elite, the Severan Principate would host a diplomatic ball. Taking place in the governmental palace on the nation's capital, Taris, no expense had been spared in preparation for the event. Galactic holovid celebrities, business moguls, NGR politicians, Outer Rim world representatives - even a few members of the Jedi Order, including Jedi Knight Kaseerah Holdan (a respected Jedi and owner of a clinic on Coruscant specializing in the rehabilitation of war veterans) and Jedi Knight Ravee Chasel - all gathered within the walls of the palace to attend, indulging in rich, robust cuisine of Ordo's Ristorante and partaking in ballroom dance by the sweeping tempo of a live orchestra. From the high-end dining experience and entertainment to the guest list, this was to be a grand and unforgettable night that would leave its mark on history, just as Murith Severan would have it.
One particular high-profile guest that would not be in attendance at the Principate's historic event was billionaire Telvuga Acco, the CEO and Chairman of manufacturing conglomerate Accotech United, based out of the Corporate Sector. Hosting his own press conference, Telvuga offered biting words attacking the Severan Principate's leader while publicly declining his invitation. While Telvuga Acco's public display of opinion towards Murith Severan didn't garner much attention from the galaxy, it did give the holonet drama tabloids something to talk about for the next several weeks as they tried (and failed) to elicit a response from the heir of the Severan dynasty.
Telvuga’s slight mattered not to Murith Severan, as the Ball (or "the Orb," as holonet messaging boards would later dub it) was simply Murith’s way of gathering together many of the Outer Rim's business and political representatives, and while the exclusion of one of the Corporate Sector’s leading moguls was unfortunate, Murith Severan would not be perturbed. Hidden beneath the veneer of the Ball was Murith’s true purpose for the extravagant event - a much smaller and less publicized meeting behind closed doors with said business and political representatives of nearby Outer Rim worlds, where Murith Severan made an offer for them to join the Severan Principate. Using the promise of protection and trade, he hoped to bring the worlds under his dominion. While the majority of the more well-established worlds refused the offer, citing political differences and or lack of need, a few key systems readily accepted the offer, thanks in no small part to the words of the Delegation sent from Presbalin. While not the grand, sweeping victory that Murith had hoped for, several smaller system would go on to follow Presbalin’s example and agree to integrate under the banner of the Severan Principate.
Jedi Knight Ravee Chasel, having been in brief attendance of the Severan Principate’s diplomatic Ball, found herself romantically spurned while attempting to interact with the non-Jedi denizens of the gathering. Embarrassed and frustrated with herself, she left the extravagant event in a flurry of emotions, much to the concern of the Jedi Masters in attendance. Instead, Ravee slipped away from the high-society crowds in search of a smuggler that would be able to secret her from Taris, past the Principate’s fleets, and onto the neighboring planet of Dathomir. After all, it was there that Ravee’s findings back on Deneba pointed, regarding the disappearance of former Jedi Master Mimuahr Niadh. As the Force would have it, Knight Ravee traveled down to the Undercity of Taris, where she was able to find and hire someone willing to get her to Dathomir for the arguably exorbitant price of 10,000 Credits. Thus, Ravee set off aboard the light-freighter owned by freelance bounty hunter Gavray Kast.
It took only a matter of a few hours for Knight Ravee Chasel to reach Dathomir with Gavray’s help, the latter agreeing to stow his ship out of sight and await Ravee’s word to retrieve her, per their deal. Upon stumbling her way to a Nightsister village, Ravee was devastated to find that the missing Master she was seeking was, in fact, the leader of the village, Ciaran. The shaman, in turn, was surprised that someone had finally bothered and managed to track her down, but was nevertheless welcoming to the nervous Jedi Knight. Ravee was taken into the village, where both Ciaran and other Nightsisters explained how they lived, trying to convince their guest that despite their alignment to the dark side of the force, they were still a thriving and tightly-knit community. Knight Chasel, tempted by the thoughts of having a family, ultimately managed to resist the temptations, and after being given a transmitter by the Nightsister Shaman, she left for Gavray’s ship, leaving Dathomir - and Mimuahr Niadh, now known as Ciaran - behind.
During the journey away from Principate space, Ravee attempted to recruit Gavray to the Jedi Order, due to his latent Force-sensitivity. Already having been asked to join the Order in the past, Gavray refused. As the days progressed on, Ravee began to doubt her purpose in the galaxy, looking towards her failure to sway Ciaran or Gavray to the Jedi as a sign that she no longer knew the will of the Force. Thus, the Arkanian-offshoot Jedi Knight went on to take the Barash Vow.
On the planet Eiradu, Sith Paladin of the Holy Order Tommentis Tiranis lay in the afterglow of a passionate moment with his lover, unaware that a strike team of Jedi Shadows were about to interrupt them. Jedi Master Lytrinn Halt - along with the Jedi Knights Kairus Ririkan and Jae Feistine - stormed Tommentis’s estate after sneaking through the Eriaduan’s defenses and fighting their way through a small detachment of battle droids. Having caught Tommentis by surprise, a brief duel ensued. The Jedi proved victorious, though the Sith and his woman were killed before the Jedi could extract any valuable information from them. One less evil man claiming to be a “Sith” had been purged by the Jedi Shadows, though at the unseen cost of the Jedi Order narrowly missing their opportunity to learn of the existence and whereabouts of the Sith Holy Order in the Unknown Regions.
Unseen by the vast majority of the known galaxy, the Holy Order of the Sith were followers of an obscure and strict religious Order based around the eons-old teachings of the Pius Dea. Established four centuries earlier, the Holy Order had flourished in the Unknown Regions, far from the eyes of the Jedi or the New Galactic Republic. As such, they had conquered many of the former First Order remnants and peoples that inhabited the Unknown Regions, committing multiple genocides over the past several centuries in the name of fanatical, religious xenophobia. With nearly all but the Chiss subdued, the Holy Order had begun looking to expand its reach into the known galaxy. While some like Dumenaris Axios looked inward to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Sith’s past, the Holy Order’s newly proclaimed Lord had ambitions to look beyond the Unknown Regions. Styling himself as Darth Prodigal after seizing control of the Holy Order, Prodigal began dispatching something akin to diplomatic emissaries into the known galaxy, hoping to eventually turn some of its oblivious inhabitants into allies...
In response to the consistent reports of trouble with the local tribals on Dathomir, the Severan Principate tasked one of their most elite and effective Security Agents, Lilith Amaria, with resolving the issues that were now beginning to spill beyond petty tribal disputes and proving an annoyance to the local Principate garrison. According to the reports Lilith looked over, the Dathomirians were caught in a tribal dispute of some kind that had turned violent, with some reports detaling attacks on Principate outposts on the planet. One of the Witches (none other than Ciaran herself) promised to ensure an end to any future hostilities towards local Principate forces in exchange for the Principate Military’s backing in her war with the current Nightmother. Additionally, Ciaran demanded that the Principate lift their military blockade of the planet once the conflict was resolved. As a Senior Operative of the Principate Security, Lilith had extensive authority that went as far as allowing her to operate above and beyond the Principate’s Military command, so she used this power to call in the assistance of Arthur Xadran, Captain of the Imperator V-Class Star Destroyer, Monarch. With the imposing vessel at her disposal, Agent Lilith Amaria planned to land on Dathomir to have a meeting of her own with this Ciaran to assess the details of the Witch's proposal, personally.
Aboard the Ace of Staves,- a retrofitted, Imperial-era carrier now equipped to serve as a casino - former NGR intelligence agent, racketeer and co-owner of the casino vessel Marclay Coppola awakens from a spice-induced bender, coming to the realization that he has a potent addiction but pushing it from his thoughts, as there was business that needed attending. He met with his half-brother and co-owner of the Ace, Gavyn Coppola, himself also a former NGR Marine-turned criminal. In addition to discussing recent dealings as well as planning for their financial future, they met up with their newly-appointed Security Chief, an older Zabrak male by the name of Pexuu Vrasro. His shadowy past, contrasted by a bright reputation as a very capable veteran of the Outer Rim War with no known family or obligations to tie him down, Pexuu seemed like a great new addition to the Coppola’s Casino - provided that the old Zabrak didn’t have any old ghosts from his past still chasing him.
After the departure of their new Security Chief, Gavyn - a notorious hothead - incites a brawl on the gaming floor. After dispatching several pirates and allowing security to handle the rest, Marclay dragged his half-brother, now blacked-out from drinking too much, back to his room. Whilst lugging Gavyn, an idea occurred to Marclay, a drunken thought to better secure their financial security and gain considerable capital to continue building their empire upon. The next day, head pounding from his hangover, the idea stayed with Marclay, and he began planning what would amount to an elaborate bank heist. The target? None other than the Seswenna Sector bank, headquartered on Eriadu. To accomplish something like this, the Coppolas knew they would need a team, so they began work on seeking out individuals of talent to hire for the job. They started by sending an invitation to a smuggler that had recently made some noise over Dantooine, earning a name for herself after slipping right through a pitched naval battle between the NGR and Reformation forces to get planetside. Seeing as Eriadu was within NGR jurisdiction, it made sense to bring in someone like Sairah O’Rinn, based on her recent experiences.
In the bustling, lower city streets of Coruscant, a down-on-his-luck pilot named Corman Candar meets with a long-time friend, Aval Derevan. In a small cantina known as Frassi’s Corner, Corman greets with the older man and they discuss the possibilities of future job offers before they are interrupted by a Cathar assassin. After disarming the Cathar, Corman begins to question the would-be assassin but his line of questioning is cut short when, to Corman's suprise, Aval suddenly kills the attacker and stuns Corman, knocking him unconscious. Inexplicably, Aval flees the scene and, in turn, frames Corman for the murder of the Cathar.
A day later, Corman awakens in Coruscant Security custody. He is questioned by Coruscant Security Forces before being set free, the officer piecing together that Corman had been framed. Back on the streets of Coruscant; Corman calls his co-pilot, a Rattataki named Shuriah Reynault, asking for the fuel to get off-planet. They met at an abandoned hangar, where Corman had been illegally parking his light freighter, The Sunset Eclipse. Bent on tracking Aval down (either for revenge or even just for answers), Corman reveals to Shuriah their destination - The Ace of Staves - a casino that Aval had mentioned to Corman previously. Knowing Aval, this would be his most likely destination.
Before departing Coruscant, however, the Sunset Eclipse received an encoded, one-way transmission. In it, a man named Ulric Sigliano spoke of Twado Hyrotia, the Sunset Eclipse’s previous owner - now dead - and was hoping to catch a ride off-world. Unbeknownst to Ulric, Twado had left the Sunset Eclipse to Corman Candar, so it would be up to Corman whether or not to grant Ulric’s request for passage. Despite their hesitations, Corman and Shuriah agreed to follow the rendezvous coordinates, which lead them to a landing pad of the 500 Republica building. Awaiting them there was the man himself, Ulric Sigliano, son of the late Frank Sigliano, a local legend from Corellia. Along with him was none other than Hellexix Ordo, recently returned from Principate space and ready to spend some credits. When The Sunset Eclipse landed, Hellexix and Ulric were greeted by a hesitant Corman and Shuriah. While there was some initial, cautious tension between the two parties, the crew of the Sunset Eclipse agreed to allow Hellexix and Ulric passage. As the will of the Force would have it, Hellexix and Ulric were also bound for the Ace of Staves - Hellexix going to gamble away some of his recently-acquired Credits, while Ulric needed to meet with one of the Casino’s owners on business. After agreeing on a modest sum to cover the cost of Hellexix and Ulric’s passage, the four were off towards the Eriadu system, the last known location of the Casino.
Meanwhile, back on Dathomir, Borcha and Sibo returned to the Nightsister village for their part of the deal: the Mandalorian in Exile revealed he was seeking the Darksaber, an ancient and unique black-bladed lightsaber created nearly one and a half millennia ago by the first Mandalorian Jedi. While it remained unclear as to the exact motives of Borcha’s longing for this ancient artifact, it was clear he was adamant on finding it, and his original plan when coming to Dathomir was to visit a long-abandoned First Order base, that supposedly held vital information within its still-working database. The Nightsister Shaman revealed, however, that a splinter group within the Nightsisters — the Spiderclan — had claimed the base as their new home after being driven from their previous one long ago. Knowing full-well that taking Borcha to them could spell trouble, Ciaran insisted on retrieving the data on her own and was soon on her way together with her partner, Aijjling. Once at the base, she chose to head in alone, weaponless, in an attempt to further signal her well-meant intentions: the Clan Mother had come here not only to retrieve the data for the Mandalorian, but also with hopes of reconciling with the Spiderclan, seeing them as a possible ally to take down her rival. This feeling was one-sided, however, as Ciaran was met with a clan that had centuries worth of nothing but contempt and hatred for the outside world. Appalled by the savagery and degeneracy of the Spiderclan, she was allowed to get the data she needed and was released back to the surface, where she would soon give Borcha his data, fulfilling her part of their deal.
There was no time to rest, however, because Lilith Amaria had entered the Dathomir system, soon joined by Captain Xadran and his Star Destroyer the Monarch. With the fleet on oversight, the Principate’s elite security agent headed down to the surface to meet with the Nightsisters, under the guise of Commodore Rose Maral, a Star Destroyer commander. Despite the large difference between the two women, they seemed to be on equal footing, not only in their personality but also the lies they carried along with them at all times: Ciaran lied about who contacted the Principate, whereas Lilith lied about who she truly was. And while neither of these lies was found out by the other, it was clearly having an effect on the negotiations: neither party was particularly forthcoming to the other until the Principate officer made a peculiar offer: the Nightsister would get her requested airstrike, but she would have to give up her wife as collateral. Ciaran initially refused, but when Aijjling herself agreed, the Shaman could do nothing but concede.
It turned out to be a ruse, however, because as soon as Lilith had left the planet, she and the supporting fleet left the Dathomir system, leaving the Nightsisters back to their own devices. Enraged, Ciaran called a meeting at her village, and in a speech fueled by hatred and disdain, she rallied her people to come together and take down her rival without the assistance of the Principate Navy, before leaving with a small group for a distant planet to receive an ancient artifact...
After several days journey through hyperspace, the Sunset Eclipse arrives in the Eriadu system. A quick scan of nearby space locates the signal of the Ace of Staves, the Coppola’s retrofitted casino. After passing a security check under the watchful eye of the casino’s Security Chief, all of the Sunset Eclipse’s passengers would be granted admission into the casino proper. Unbeknownst to Hellexix Ordo, Pexuu recognizes him, though not for the man’s entrepreneurial accomplishments in the Core. Rather, the arrival of Hellexix Ordo brought a flood of memories from decades prior to Pexuu’s mind - memories of Corellia. The Zabrak Security Chief keeps these memories to himself, however, seeing as Hellexix had been too young to recognize him from their shared past. Ulric Sigliano, having come to the Ace specifically for the sake of meeting with the Coppola brothers, splits off, leaving Hellexix and Corman to head to the casino floor, where debts owed are paid in full for Corman allowing Hellexix and Ulric passage aboard his ship. Later that same day, Sairah O’Rinn, captain of the Raven’s Nest, also arrives at the Ace, invited to the Casino with the possibility of another lucrative job, though the details of the job had yet to be revealed...
After receiving payment and saying his farewells to Hellexix Ordo, Corman Candar began his hunt for Aval Derevan, the man who framed him for murder. It wasn't long before Corman found who he was looking for. Sitting down opposite the older man, the two engaged in a game of Pazaak against each other. To throw Corman off of his game, Aval reveals that he was the one who murdered Corman’s foster father Twado. The stakes of the game are raised to a lifetime of savings, and Corman barely takes the victory in the final round. An enraged Aval leaves the Ace of Staves, but not before Corman can place a tracker on him. With Coordinates in hand, the crew of the Sunset Eclipse leaves the Casino to follow Aval’s footsteps.
Back in the heart of the New Galactic Republic on Coruscant, a young man by the name of Calvin Tiberiusolis - in an attempt to spite his father - graduates from the Senate Guard’s Officer Training Facility and gets assigned to the Public Duties Company. While optimistic about his new lot in life, Calvin came into his new profession at an… interesting time. For years, Chancellor Snow’s political career had been suffering, mostly due to the ongoing talk of guerilla warfare and attacks employed by rogue Reformation sympathizers in the Outer Rim. While the Reformation had only recently begun mounting into a true threat to key NGR planets (Dantooine, most recently), many of the NGR’s citizens and representatives placed the blame for their continued existence at the Chancellor’s feet. Unhappiness with the Chancellor’s performance came to a head when, during one of Calvin’s first deployments with the Senate Guard, a few of the Senate Guards were ordered to fire live mortar rounds into a crowd of peaceful protestors. While the official report claimed that it was an accident, rumors began to fly that the Senate Guard had faulty received orders from somewhere above. The investigation, to this day, is still pending, though it is theorized that the call was made by someone wishing to further diminish Chancellor Snow’s reputation with the NGR’s populace - a strategy which proved effective, as popular support for the Chancellor reached an all-time low, and rumors began to swirl in the Senate of a vote of no confidence.
Several days after leaving Deneba, Jedi Master Frifth brought Se’Soom to the Jedi Temple on Ossus. Frifth spent two weeks instructing Se’Soom with the goal of expanding upon his bases. During a meeting with the Academy of Archaeology, they were shown a message from the planet Spintir, sent to the Jedi Temple by the leader of the planet’s only city offering a recently-discovered Jedi holocron for study. Initially puzzled by the sudden request, Frifth and Se’Soom were offered the opportunity to travel to Spintir to retrieve the holocron, to which Frifth and his new Padawan accepted. While researching prior to the expedition, they learned that Spintir was an artistic and agricultural world that fell on hard times and had likely come into possession of the holocron centuries earlier. Suspecting that they might run into trouble of some kind, Frifth shifted Se’Soom’s training regiment to focus on defensive techniques as a precaution. An old friend of Master Frifth’s, the Jedi Knight Tal Margos, also requested to join Frifth and his Padawan on their expedition to act as a backup in case something went wrong.
Wielding knowledge of the rumored holocron on the planet Lamaredd, Maskar Kython journeyed to the far-off world. Upon arriving, Maskar posed as a representative of the Outer Rim Oreworks Company, going by the false identity of Haken Tull. His ruse proved highly effective when dealing with Lamaredd’s local authorities (if one could call them that), which led “Haken” to meeting a Duros of peculiar interest by the name of Obadd Ulat. A former member of the loose organization of darkside practitioners often referred to off-handedly as the “Sith Union,” Obadd had, through means of his own, learned of the possible location of an old, Sith Temple hidden somewhere on the planet - though, much like Maskar, the Duros had lied to the Lamaredd officials in order to conceal his true reason for coming to the planet. Their lies landed them both in a speeder planetside, spurred onward by the enthusiastically oblivious Lamaredd officials that were just thrilled to have something happening on their backwater planet and under the impression that both Maskar and Obadd were there on official business. Though their speeder ride was a long and awkward one, it gave Maskar and the Duros the privacy they needed to eventually delve into their own suspicions of one another, eventually acknowledging that they were both not only liars but two individuals after the same thing. For better or worse, they agreed to cooperate in their efforts to track down the supposed location of the ancient Sith Temple that Obadd was sure existed, and where Maskar hoped to find the holocron that Bril Rha had spoken of...
While the galaxy continued to inexorably expand, a small-scale war was waging on the planet of Sy Myrth in the Outer Rim. Falling under the jurisdiction of Mandalorian space, the planet and its surrounding systems were in dispute as thousands of rival Mandalorian New Crusaders fought for dominance in the wake of Mandalore the Reaper’s death, which was followed quickly by the patricide of one of the New Crusader’s greatest leaders and founder, Warlord Harkon Ordo. Assassinated by his own son, Harkon’s death kicked off one of many bids for power that were going on throughout Mandalorian space as the hierarchy of rulers and warriors of the Mandalorian culture was tested in light of the fact that the conquering nation now stood without a clear successor to the title of Mandalore. In the midst of all of this, the battle for Sy Myrth stood out, as Harkon’s forces were divided between those loyal to his son Glaz Ordo, and those loyal to another warrior of growing infamy, a Twi’lek Mandalorian and survivor of the Outer Rim War’s Battle of Ryloth by the name of Maelzagard. Two weeks of scorched-earth warfare would lead to Glaz’s forces eventually crumbling under the weight of Maelzagard’s loyalists, resulting in Glaz’s death and his Twi’lek rival claiming the title of Warlord over the Sy Myrth New Crusaders. Meanwhile, the mystery of Mandalore the Reaper’s death and who would claim leadership over the rest of the Mandalorians remained unknown…
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